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Internet Chat Acronyms Dictionary

This page contains popular internet and chat acronyms and abbreviations. Now you can understand those AOL kiddies when they use this lingo.

[ A to C | D to N | O to Z | A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I | J-K | L-M | N-O | P-Q | R | S | T | U-Z ]
D/L DownLoad
DBA Doing Business As
DGT Don't Go There
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
DIIK Damned If I Know
DIY Do It Yourself
DK Don't Know
DL Download
DND Do Not Disturb
DNS Domain Name Service
DOA Dead On Arrival
DOB Date Of Birth
DOS Disk Operating System
DSH Desperately Seeking Help
DU Don't Understand
DUCT Did You See That

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